BSB60420 – Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSB60420 – Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management reflects the role of individuals who apply specialised knowledge and skills, together with experience in leadership and management, across a range of enterprise and industry contexts.
Individuals at this level use initiative and judgement to plan and implement a range of leadership and management functions, with accountability for personal and team outcomes within broad parameters.
They use cognitive and communication skills to identify, analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources and transfer their knowledge to others, and creative or conceptual skills to express ideas and perspectives or respond to complex problems.

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12-24 Months

Delivery Mode

Workplace / Traineeship, Online

Start Date

Enroll anytime


Nationally Recognised Training

  • Job Outcomes
  • Entry Requirement
  • Admission Requirements
  • Fees
  • Delivery Details
  • Pathways
  • Assessment Requirements
  • Practical Placement Requirements
  • Unit of Competency
  • Third Party Arrangements

Job Outcomes

  • Executive Director.
  • Executive Manager.
  • General Manager.
  • Senior Executive.
  • Business Manager.
  • Human Resources Manager.
  • Sales Team Manager.

Entry Requirement

According to Training Package there are NO previous work or education requirements for entry into this course. Students may enrol directly in the Advanced diploma level course without completing lower ranked qualifications.

Graduates can expect higher course levels to result in higher potential salary, positions and skill capabilities.

Admission Requirements

Students must satisfy the following age, English and Academic requirements:

  • Age: must be 18 years or over
  • Undertake Pre Training Review
  • Successful completion of  LLN test: Learning (ACSF Level 4), reading (ACSF Level 4), writing (ACSF Level 4), oral communication (ACSF Level 4) and numeracy (ACSF Level 3) is desirable to participate in the course.
  • It is also essential for the student to possess basic computer skills.
  • Relevant vocational qualification at Certificate IV level or above or have 2 years experience and knowledge of community work or service.


Application Fee Tuition Fees
$200 $6,000  $3,000

For full list of other optional fees that may be applicable, please refer to our Course Fees page.

Delivery Details

Delivery methods:
The range of delivery methods may include, but not limited to the following:

  • lectures / Instructions
  • pre-reading
  • demonstrations and modelling
  • practice opportunities
  • brainstorming activities
  • group discussions
  • guided facilitation of individual or group learning activities, group work or project-based case studies


Delivery Structure:

  • Delivery structure of Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management is comprised of classroom training sessions, structured learning such as training support, learning activities, self-paced (to allow the learners to absorb and reflect on their learning), workshops and work placement.
  • The unit of competency will be delivered and assessed as stand-alone unit.


Delivery Locations:

  • Dandenong
  • Werribee
  • Craigieburn
  • Melton
  • Box Hill

Notes: Additional locations may be allocated to meet a group of learner cohort’s needs and based on demand (if practicable for Hammond Institute)


Course pathways after completing Advance Diploma of Leadership and Management

  • other Advanced Diploma qualifications
  • Bachelor of Business (Human Resources)
  • other Bachelor programs

Assessment Requirements

Assessment method for Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management may include:

  • Knowledge Questions
  • Written Assignment & Case studies
  • Workplace Assessment
  • Log Book
  • Projects / Research Reviews

All assessment will be conducted in accordance with the Training Package requirements, Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence (

Practical Placement Requirements

No practical placement is required.

Unit of Competency

Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management is made up of 12 units.

  • 4 core units
  • 8 elective units

Core Units:

BSBFIM601 Manage finances
BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational change
BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation
BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan

Elective Units

BSBCUE601 Optimise customer engagement operations
BSBCUE602 Manage customer engagement information
BSBCUE603 Design and launch new customer engagement facilities
BSBCUE604 Develop and maintain a service level strategy
BSBCUE605 Develop and maintain a customer engagement marketing strategy
BSBCUE606 Forecast and plan using customer engagement traffic information analysis
BSBCUE607 Manage customer engagement centre staffing
BSBCUE608 Manage customer engagement operational costs

Electives units may vary depending on the requirements. The elective units will be discussed prior to the enrolment.

Third Party Arrangements

Hammond Institute does not use brokers or deliver this course through third party arrangements.

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