Victoria skills first funding

Victorian Government Skills First Funding

Now is the ideal time to make a start on gaining new skills, or upgrading your existing skills, to help you get the job you want. The Skills First Program is a Victorian Government scheme that makes vocational training more accessible to people who do not hold a post-school qualification, and/or a higher level qualification than they already hold. There are now number of government-subsidised training places available to people who meet the eligibility criteria. If you are eligible, the government will contribute to the cost of your training.

Skills First Courses

JobTrainer Courses

Certificate Courses
Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma Courses

Frequently Asked Questions

Am i eligible for a government funding?

To be eligible for a government-subsidised training you must meet all three criteria below:

1. To be eligible you must be either:

  • an Australian citizen;
  • an Australian Permanent Resident (holder of a permanent visa); or
  • a New Zealand citizen;

2. Physically present in the State of Victoria at all times during the course,

3. Upskilling if over 20 years of age:

    • under 20 years of age (as at 1 January in the year of commencement of training) and seeking to enrol in nationally recognised training; or
    • over 20 years of age (as at 1 January in the year of commencement of training) and seeking to enrol in nationally recognised training in a Foundation Skills List course; or
    • over 20 years of age (as at 1 January in the year of commencement of training) and seeking to enrol in nationally recognised training as an Apprentice (not Trainee); or
    • over 20 years of age (as at 1 January in the year of commencement of training) and seeking to enrol in training in the Victorian Certificate of Education or the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Intermediate or Senior); or
    • over 20 years of age (as at 1 January in the year of commencement of training) and seeking to enrol in nationally recognised training in a course that is at a higher qualification level than the highest qualification held at the time of the scheduled commencement of training.

In addition an individual is only eligible to:

    • commence a maximum of two government subsidised courses in a calendar year. Where an individual is enrolled in a course(s) that is scheduled to commence at a later date in that calendar year, this course(s) must be counted for the purpose of this clause when assessing eligibility;
    • undertake a maximum of two government subsidised courses at any one time;
    • commence a maximum of two government subsidised courses at the same level within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) in their lifetime; and
    • commence a maximum of two government subsidised accredited courses with the title ‘Course in…’ in their lifetime.
Am i eligible for a JobTrainer funding?

You are eligible to participate under JobTrainer if you are:

  • an Australian citizen, permanent resident, New Zealand citizen or asylum seeker, and
  • 17 to 24 years old when the course starts; or
  • A Job seeker of any age, where a job seeker is defined as a person who:
  • holds a valid and current Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card or Veteran’s Gold Card; or
  • unemployed.
  • be physically present in the state of Victoria during their training and assessment;
Exclusions and Extension of Eligibility Provisions

There are some exclusions and exemptions available to above eligibility criteria. Please contact us to discuss your eligibility for Government Funding.


What is an Apprenticeship or traineeship? A traineeship is a training contract between an employer and an employee in which the apprentice/trainee learns the occupation or trade. A traineeship can be undertaken on a full time or part time basis and can be used to learn new skills and or further develop skills industry. Traineeships include structured, off-the-job training or workplace based training organised. Successful completion will lead to trainees receiving a a nationally recognised qualification. Eligibility Requirements for Apprentice/Trainee In addition to above eligibility requirements the Individual needs to be:

  • employed in Victoria in either a full time or part time capacity under an award or registered agreement;
  • undertaking an Approved Training Scheme;
  • a signatory to a Training Contract with their employer which is registered with the VRQA;
  • a signatory, jointly with the employer and the RTO, to a Training Plan; and
  • involved in paid work and Structured Training, either workplace based or off-the job.

Whether an individual is an Apprentice or a Trainee depends on how the qualification they are undertaking is designated in the relevant Approved Training Scheme. Information on current Approved Training Schemes can be found at:

For more information on Skills First funding programs and eligibility criteria, please refer to:

This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. Enrolment under Skills First Funding may impact access to further government subsidised training.